5th Grade
Meet our Fifth Grade Teachers
Dear Fifth Grade Students and Parents,
Welcome to the Grade 5! We team-teach with the fifth graders. We have assigned homerooms, but some students may see another one of us for math. We all work as a team, along with our ESL, literacy, and resource teachers – and you. Please never underestimate the importance of parents and students as a part of this team. Each of us has equal responsibility for our fifth graders’ learning. Students will benefit from the combined strengths and personalities of all of us!
This year we will be using SeeSaw as our primary mode of communication with parents. Our e-mail addresses are linked to our bios, and you should already be linked to your child’s teacher through SeeSaw. Students and parents, use SeeSaw or e-mail to ask questions about homework, or to send us your homework electronically*.
Parents, use SeeSaw or e-mail us with questions or concerns. We guarantee a prompt response.
Best wishes to you all,
The Fifth grade teaching team
*Homework may be done through Google using docs or other apps. We may not be able to open other applications. Always include your name and date on the homework document, not just in your email. Thanks!
Cal-Wood - Hydro Flask Video 2022-2023
Enjoy this video made by Hydro flask that also happens to give great insight into the 5th grade Cal-wood experience! While Whittier tries to create many engaging and meaningful experiences for students across their time in elementary schools, this is hands-down one of the best experiences of all.
To our Whittier 5th graders who won 2nd place in the districtwide Battle of the Books competition!