4th Grade

Meet our Fourth Grade Teachers

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​​Welcome to the 4th Grade!  We think fourth grade is as good as it gets!  The most important thing to us as a fourth grade team is that we help each and every child recognize how very special he/she truly is. Every child possesses a wealth of strengths that, oftentimes, even that child may be unaware of. We help to uncover and highlight these strengths, and then use that confidence to help the child take risks and build new strengths. Our goal is to have a heap of happy kids who are learning each and every day.

We value regular communication between school and home. All classrooms always welcome visitors and truly appreciate your input. We offer numerous opportunities for parents to be involved throughout the school year, and we count on your participation to make our days run smoothly and to make many special events possible. So… be sure to read those newsletters so that you can always know what’s going on and how you can help.

Welcome again to our very special, very cool community. We look forward to a year of adventure and fun as we work with you and your child. Please drop us a line or stop by anytime.

Rachael Graham

Job Title: Teacher
Titles: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2407

Andee Grandits

Job Title: Teacher
Titles: Teacher, Activities-Events
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2403

Fourth Grade Resources